Sunday, June 3, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman Review
So I went and saw this movie just this Friday when it came out, and if I'm being completely honest, I thought this movie was pretty good. Probably a 7.5/10 for me (needless to say my review for this movie might be slightly biased since I am a fan of chivalry and the Medieval period). Even though the animations were fantastic, there could have been a few acting touch-ups. On a few scenes, they could have made it slightly longer; for example, when the Huntsman was explaining about his past, he didn't give an in-depth story. It was mostly vague. If the producers would have added a bit more story to it, I would have been thoroughly satisfied.
I walked into the movie almost convinced that there would have been no emotion from Kristen Stewart. Surprisingly, she did give a few smiles, and when she was riling up the soldiers to fight, she actually displayed enough emotion that I had chills. However, I was slightly disappointed that Kristen Stewart was in yet another love triangle.
As said before, the animations and special effects were two thumbs up; there were no parts where things looked fake or unrealistic and a couple of times, I found myself tripped out by how well they executed the animations and how extremely real it looked. For this portion of the movies, I have to give it a solid 10/10.
One of the things that I liked most about this film was the fact that Snow White didn't have to wait for the Huntsman and everyone else to kill the evil Queen for her. Almost always in these kinds of movies, the men go and do all the killing while the female(s) sit idly by. This wasn't the case here. In the last battle, Snow White was actually in armour (as seen above) and fighting.
In conclusion, I think that if you're a person that's a fan of the medieval times, this is a good movie to watch. It's not necessarily a movie that I would go and watch a second time in the movie theatres, but you should see it once.
The Avenger's Review

So, I went and saw The Avengers last Friday, and I really have to rate it an 9.5/10. It really captured a lot of the good aspects of the Marvel heroes. However, if you didn't see the individual videos like Iron Man/Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America you could be a little lost on what exactly is happening. I recommend that if you're planning on going and seeing this movie, you watch the other Marvel movies that are closely related to the subject in order to gain further understanding of the movie. The alternative could also be to read about the Marvel characters if you know nothing about them at all.
All in all, I really thought it was a great movie, mostly because my favorite character was Tony Stark and he played an important role. I had no previous experience/knowledge with and of Captain America, and to be honest, my friend and I were giggling over how good-looking he was after the movie. So if you're a fan-girl of superhero men that save the earth in red, white, and blue, I'd definitely check him out too.

(Chris Evans--AKA Captain America)